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Welcome Back Message

Dear Parents,

Parents always ask me what they can do to help and support their child’s education? I have a three tiered response.

First, I feel that the number one thing parents can do to help and support their kids is to tell them often that you care about their education. I hope it is no secret that so much of what kids know about the world and themselves is based on what adults tell them. So be positive about education when you talk with them. Tell them they are great at math. Tell them they have a great teacher and school. Tell them you loved school. Even if these things are maybe not 100% true, you will be setting them up for greater success. 

Second, once you have that down the next thing is to read with them. As much as you can.

Third, go to parent/teacher conferences and communicate with the teacher as needed. Work as a team to address the needs of your child. When I see this happen, student learning and behavior gets better every time.

Thanks parents for all you do to support your child and Central Elementary!


Mr. Wells